Tuesday 30 August 2016

The release of Annie the Owl

The Release of Annie the Owl

Just over a month ago there was a young Barn Owl in the parking lot of Traveland, not able to fly and not looking so good. We were able to catch her and place her in a box while she waited for the wonderful volunteer from O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society to come and pick her up. We were sure that she had eaten something poisonous but thankfully she had just sprained her wing. They took great care of her at O.W.L and even found her, what he hope, is a life mate. We, at Traveland, named her Annie Here is a video of Annie and her mate being released. We think it's pretty perfect as they flew out at exactly the same time. Be safe Annie and her new partner! 

Thank you O.W.L for all your amazing work and thank you to the Traveland staff for keeping her safe and in their thoughts while she healed.

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